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Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area | Used by permission

Wildlife & wild places

Protect animals with wildlife corridors

Take action: This new bill could protect wildlife across the country.

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A heat pump is definitely on the way for the Soto residence
I encourage everyone to care for our environment because every aspect of our lives depends upon it, and we are the ones responsible for its care and preservation. Theresa Gallant, Member, Environment Washington
It is now apparent that we need to take significant action in the next few years if we are to have any chance of avoiding the really significant impacts of a changing climate. Bruce Parker, Member, Environment America
I support Environment America because I think we need more than individual action. Sara Rahimian, Member, Environment America
It's a real privilege to do this work. It can be frustrating at times, it can be tedious at times, but it's also incredibly rewarding. Emily Rusch, Vice President and Senior Director of State Offices

staff | TPIN

Fall Drive 2024: Donate today to help save the bees

We’ve set a goal of raising $25,000 by midnight on Sept. 24 to help save the bees and crack down on bee-killing pesticides. Will you donate today?
