Tell Congress: Keep our beaches safe for swimming
We need Congress to renew the bipartisan BEACH Act to keep swimmers safe from pollution.
Just before the deadline for comment, Environment Georgia and our sister organization, Environment Illinois, submitted petitions signed by 240 of our members and activists to the EPA asking for a strong rule to protect communities from toxic coal ash pollution (which includes arsenic, mercury and lead) leaching from legacy ponds.
Together Georgia and Illinois have over 50 ‘legacy’ sites that were excluded from federal coal ash rules requirements for safe clean-up. Now the EPA is proposing these sites be included in clean-up requirements.
Members of Congress also urged the EPA to finalize a strong rule in a letter lead by Georgia Rep. Hank Johnson. Environment Georgia’s Director, Jennette Gayer, applauded Rep. Johnson’s leadership and issued the following statement:
“Unfortunately, Georgia has a pending permit for Plant Hammond coal ash that would allow toxic coal ash to remain in contact with groundwater. This proposed rule and letter form Rep. Johnson are steps in the right direction for long term, safe, and responsible clean-up that removes toxic coal ash from contact with groundwater everywhere. Environment Georgia along with hundreds of citizens from Georgia and Illinois, urges the EPA to finalize a strong final rule.”
We need Congress to renew the bipartisan BEACH Act to keep swimmers safe from pollution.
Tell your Rep.
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