Environment America launches new state group in Alaska

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Alaska Environment becomes the national environmental advocacy organization’s 30th state-level group

Environment America

ANCHORAGE, Alaska –  Environment America is launching Alaska Environment as the organization’s 30th state-level group. Historically, Environment America has engaged on federal land conservation issues in Alaska, including restoring the Roadless Rule in the Tongass; protecting the Arctic Wildlife Refuge; and advocating against dangerous offshore oil drilling. That work will continue. However, with this new on-the-ground presence in Alaska, the breadth and scope of issues the organization can tackle will expand. 

Environment America President Wendy Wendlandt

“Environment America has a long legacy of winning positive change for our air, water, and open spaces. So much of our best work happens at the state level and is powered by local community support. With Alaska’s size, beauty, and coastline it is a vital place to protect and the perfect 30th state to join our ranks.

Alaska Environment’s immediate agenda will include pushing to finalize protections for the Bristol Bay watershed from the Pebble Mine and building support for a Right-to-Repair campaign.

The abundant wildlife, healthy salmon runs and fragile wetlands in the Bristol Bay watershed are the wrong place to put a destructive mine, and Alaska Environment will work to protect this special place. In part, that will mean helping the coalition of  Alaskan groups to ensure the state’s overwhelming opposition to the mine is heard and implemented. 

As for Right to Repair, E-waste is toxic and challenging to deal with. In addition, the mineral components of everything from new tractors to new cell phones require potentially destructive mining including right here in Alaska. The unnecessary manufacturing of new products also contributes to avoidable greenhouse gas pollution. The first and easiest step to resolve this problem is to fix our stuff when it breaks. Alaska Environment’s Right to Repair campaign will work to ensure consumers and repair shops can access the tools and parts we need to fix our own stuff. 

To address these and other issues, Dyani Chapman will serve as Alaska Environment’s new State Director.

“I am thrilled to expand our work in Alaska to more local issues,” Chapman said. “Alaska has a front row view to some of our biggest environmental crises, and we have an essential role to play as environmental stewards. I’m so excited to work with the community to ensure future generations have the opportunity to appreciate all the beauty and abundance of this incredible place”
