Statement: EPA adds unannounced stationary sources to final regressive rule on greenhouse gas emissions
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Last-minute move will impact climate progress in Biden administration
Environment America
WASHINGTON — In a last-minute deregulatory act, the Environmental Protection Agency included a major change Wednesday to a rule that regulates greenhouse gas emissions from stationary sources, such as factories. By introducing an arbitrary, low threshold for greenhouse gas emissions, and deeming sources below this value as “insignificant,” this Trump administration rule would prevent a wide swath of polluting sources from being regulated. This rule would effectively deregulate greenhouse gas emissions from all stationary sources except power plants. This section of the rule is also being implemented without a public comment period.
Andrea McGimsey, senior director for Environment America’s Global Warming Solutions campaign, issued the following statement:
“This last-minute move by the Trump administration is a cynical ploy to protect polluters. It will create lasting harm to American families — and it’s being done with so little transparency. You can’t advertise one proposal and then shove in major changes just when you’re about to go out of business with no public notice or chance for public comment.
“2020 tied for the hottest year on record, and we’ve seen just what that means for communities across the country. From the resulting extreme weather, the impacts have been devastating. The United States government must be a leader on climate action, not a laggard, and we must start with the rulemaking of the EPA — the agency charged with protecting the environment and public health.”