Holding Our Ground in the Big Hole
Tell the BLM: fracking has no place in the Big Hole River valley.
From the Mighty Mo to the tiniest tributary of East Rosebud Creek, our state is blessed with gorgeous scenery and world-class fishing.
Our wild waterways bring thousands of tourists to the state each year and provide countless hours of summer fun for Montana families. They’ve inspired artists and anglers, athletes and activists for generations.
And of all our rivers, perhaps none has engendered quite as much awe and admiration as the Big Hole. That’s why I was so disappointed to see part of the Big Hole River valley included in the Bureau of Land Management’s December oil and gas lease sale.
Oil and gas drilling is a direct threat to nearby waterways. Fracking has been responsible for thousands of wastewater spills in the United States and countless more incidents of groundwater contamination. Access roads and drilling pads also slice through habitat, causing increased runoff and sedimentation.
In an age of remarkable advances in energy-conserving and renewable energy technologies, at a time when global warming poses an existential threat to future generations, sacrificing our rivers and our wildlife is no longer, if it ever was, the price we must pay for progress. That’s not a world we have to live in anymore. Nor is it the future our children deserve.
I hope you’ll join me to oppose fracking in the Big Hole by adding your comment here: https://bit.ly/2O2yNLv.
The comment period ends July 20. Please reference parcel no. MTM105431GV in your comments.