Media Contacts
Skye Borden
Environment Montana
Yesterday, Scott Pruitt announced that he plans to repeal the Clean Power Plan and replace it with a much weaker standard. Environment Montana Director Skye Borden had the following comment:
The Trump administration’s proposal to repeal the Clean Power Plan is an egregious attack on all Montanans’ health, environment, and future.
Only weeks after Montana’s smokey air cleared from a remarkably volitile fire season and supercharged hurricanes devastated Texas, Louisiana, Florida and Puerto Rico, President Trump has moved to dismantle the Clean Power Plan, the biggest single step any nation has ever taken to cut the carbon pollution that causes global warming. This rollback undermines our ability to the combat climate change, which is making extreme weather more deadly and destructive.”
Refusing to address climate change is not an option. And replacing the Clean Power Plan with a weakened standard would reverse the progress we have made to protect Montanans from the dangers of climate change. We need to protect the Clean Power Plan to make sure we leave kids growing up today a cleaner, healthier planet.
To learn more about how the Clean Power Plan benefits Montanans, visit our Global Warming Solutions issue page.