Skye Borden
Environment Montana
WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administrator Scott Pruitt proposed repealing the Clean Water Rule, which restored federal protections to half our nation’s streams and thousands of wetlands across the country. Skye Borden, director of Environment Montana, issued the following statement:
Repealing the Clean Water Rule turns the mission of the EPA on its head: instead of safeguarding our drinking water, the Trump administration is proposing to stop protecting drinking water sources for 234,219 Montanans. It defies common sense, sound science and the will of the people of Montana.
Clean water is vital to our ecology, our health, and our quality of life. In recent decades, Montanans have rallied to protect and restore many of our most cherished waterways, including the Clark Fork, Blackfoot, and Yellowstone rivers. Now, after years of progress, the last thing we should do is weaken protections for our water.
Finalized in 2015 with widespread public and scientific support, the Rule restored federal protections to 63% of Montana’s streams, which feed waterways like Gallatin River and help provide drinking water to 234,219 Montanans. The rule also protects wetlands, which help filter out pollutants and provide wildlife habitat.
More than 800,000 Americans – including 1,886 Montanans – business owners, local officials, farmers, and health professionals – all support the historic Clean Water Rule. On the other side, the most vociferous opponents of the rule include the oil and gas industry, coal companies, and developers.
We call on the EPA to reconsider this reckless repeal and stand up for our drinking water, not for polluters.
Environment Montana is a statewide, citizen-funded advocacy group. We work to protect the places we love and promote core environmental values, such as clean air to breathe, clean water to drink, and clean energy. Our Missoula-based staff focuses on timely, targeted action that wins tangible improvements in the quality of our environment and our lives.