States can lead the way toward a future powered by 100% clean, renewable energy
100% clean energy commitments are growing clean energy and reducing pollution. It’s time to lean in.

States are leading the way on clean energy
When California passed Senate Bill (SB) 100 in 2018, it propelled a nationwide movement for 100% clean and renewable energy. SB 100 set a statewide goal to power all of California’s electricity needs with 100% clean energy by 2045. By codifying a 100% clean energy goal into law, California signaled its intention to transition to clean energy. The legislative commitment guaranteed a market for clean energy to grow.

Aiming high drives clean energy growth
Today, clean energy’s growth has surpassed even the goals we have set for ourselves. America today generates more than 3 times more clean, renewable electricity than it did in 2013. As of June 20th, 2024, California had 93 days where renewable energy generation met or exceeded the electricity demands of the state for some portion of time.
The below table compiles state-by-state legislative commitments to 100% clean or renewable energy along with relevant benchmarks codified into law in that state.
State | What is the 100% commitment to? | By when? | Key benchmarks |
California | Clean energy | 2045 | 100% clean by 2045, 44% renewable by 2024, 50% renewable by 2026, 52% renewable by 2027, 60% renewable by 2030 |
Connecticut | Clean energy | 2040 | 100% clean by 2040, 40% renewable by 2030 |
Hawaii | Renewable energy | 2045 | 100% renewable by 2045, 40% renewable by 2030, 70% renewable by 2040 |
Illinois | Clean energy | 2050 |
100% clean by 2050, 40% clean by 2030, 50% clean by 2040
Maine | Clean energy | 2050 | 100% clean by 2050, 80% clean by 2030 |
Michigan | Clean energy | 2040 |
100% clean by 2040, 50% renewable by 2030 and 60% renewable by 2035
Minnesota | Clean energy | 2040 |
55% renewable by 2035, public utilities get 80% of their power from zero-carbon sources by 2030, 90% by 2035 and 100% by 2040
Nevada | Clean energy | 2050 | 100% clean by 2050, 50% clean by 2030 |
New Mexico | Clean energy | 2045 |
100% clean by 2045, at least 80% renewable by 2045, 40% renewable by 2025, 50% renewable by 2030
New York | Clean energy | 2040 | 100% clean by 2040, 70% renewable by 2030 |
Oregon | Clean energy | 2040 |
80% emissions reductions for power sold in-state by 2030 compared to 2010 baseline, 90 percent by 2035, 100 percent by 2040, 50% renewable by 2040.
Rhode Island | Renewable energy | 2033 |
100% renewable by 2033, annual increases in renewables through 2033.
Virginia | Clean energy | 2050 |
100% clean by 2050. Some utilities are required to achieve a renewables target of 14% by 2025, 30% by 2030, 65% by 2040, and 100% by 2050. Other utilities have a renewables requirement of 26% by 2025, 41% by 2030, and 100% by 2045.
Vermont | Renewable energy | 2035 |
Largest utility 100% renewable by 2030. Smaller municipal utilities have until 2035.
Washington | Clean energy | 2045 | 100% renewable or zero-emitting by 2045 |
States must carry forward the promise of clean energy
Today, state-level clean energy leadership is needed more than ever. There are many ways states can lead on clean energy, including to:
Set goals
Set 100% renewable energy goals
Legislatively codifying a 100% goal signals a state’s intention and brings all parties together toward a common objective.
Set interim goals
State 100% renewable energy goals most effectively drive progress grow clean energy best when they include clear interim benchmarks. Interim goals act as the guide star for state agencies that oversee energy in the state. Interim goals help ensure the state hits its 100% goal in a timely and organized manner.
Set goals for key clean energy technologies
Specific targets for key technologies such as solar power, offshore wind energy, and energy storage spur growth and innovation of those technologies.
Regularly revisit goals and consider accelerating timelines
Renewable energy is growing by leaps and bounds. To make sure goals keep driving progress, states with existing clean or renewable commitments should regularly revisit and consider accelerating their timelines.
Lead by example
State leaders can require state agencies to reach 100% clean or renewable energy on an earlier timetable than the rest of their state. These “walk the talk” provisions can help put states in position to capitalize on clean energy resources such as geothermal.
Other recommendations
Save solar and don’t impose unfair fees on solar owners
Ensure that utility regulations support the growth of renewable energy, including through policies such as “net metering”. Net metering policies compensate owners of renewable energy systems fairly for the energy they supply to the grid. Regulators must not impose unreasonable fees on solar owners.
Cut red tape
States should encourage or require the adoption of Solar Automated Permit Processing (SolarAPP+), a fast, automated online permitting system developed by the U.S. Department of Energy and available free of charge for local governments.
Bring clean energy economy-wide
States should encourage or require the transition to electric vehicles and buildings through strong “clean car” standards and improved building codes.
Invest in the cleanest energy
States should invest in energy efficiency and conservation programs, and set strong building energy codes and efficiency standards for lighting and appliances.
Sources & Notes
Data for the table were compiled from https://www.cesa.org/projects/100-clean-energy-collaborative/guide/table-of-100-clean-energy-states/
Environment America does not include Connecticut or Nevada in its list of states committed to 100% clean or renewable energy because those states doe not clearly enough grow renewable energy in the short-term.
Johanna Neumann
Senior Director, Campaign for 100% Renewable Energy, Environment America
Johanna directs strategy and staff for Environment America's energy campaigns at the local, state and national level. In her prior positions, she led the campaign to ban smoking in all Maryland workplaces, helped stop the construction of a new nuclear reactor on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay and helped build the support necessary to pass the EmPOWER Maryland Act, which set a goal of reducing the state’s per capita electricity use by 15 percent. She also currently serves on the board of Community Action Works. Johanna lives in Amherst, Massachusetts, with her family, where she enjoys growing dahlias, biking and the occasional game of goaltimate.