Technology can help save endangered right whales
A TV station in Boston highlights a Massachusetts company providing ropeless aka “on-demand” gear.

We've argued that we can save #RightWhales & eat our lobster, too. Here's a news story about a Mass. company making it happen. @EdgeTechMarine @dougmeehan https://t.co/2a44Dq35c8
— Environment Massachusetts (@EnvironmentMA) January 28, 2023
There are fewer than 350 North Atlantic right whales swimming in the sea, and we’re working to save this magnificent species. But the debate can quickly turn into an either/or situation: save the right whales or save lobster businesses.
We’ve argued that both are possible. The senior director of our conservation campaigns was quoted in the media saying:
“Lobstering in New England doesn’t have to be an either/or proposition. We can have our right whales and eat lobster, too. There’s no reason why the lobster industry can’t do business as usual with one change — using ropeless gear that won’t entangle, injure and kill our quickly disappearing right whale population.”
With this in mind, it’s great to see this TV story about a Massachusetts company providing the solution — ropeless aka “on-demand” gear.
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