A new bill in Congress is a gift to the logging industry

Your support on Giving Tuesday can help save mature and old-growth forests from logging.


It simply doesn’t make any sense. They want to log America’s oldest trees — in order to save them?

Sugar maples in Vermont’s Green Mountains, 600-year-old larches in Montana’s Yaak Valley, 200-foot-tall ponderosas in the Black Hills of South Dakota — these are the trees at risk, and we can’t afford to lose them.

You don’t save a forest by cutting it down

But a new bill in Congress would require the U.S. Forest Service to prioritize logging these mature trees and call it “forest management.”

We’re working to raise $40,000 as part of our Giving Tuesday Drive to help save these mature and old-growth forests from logging. Will you donate today?

The “Promoting Effective Forest Management Act” isn’t really about protecting forests

Sens. Joe Manchin (W. Va.) and John Barrasso (Wyo.) call their bill the Promoting Effective Forest Management Act. But here’s what that really means:

Chainsaws. Bulldozers. Harvesters. Chewing and grinding their way through some of our nation’s oldest forests, leaving a trail of sawdust and stumps behind them.

These trees have grown for decades and should continue to stand tall for the hikers, bird watchers and nature photographers that love them — not to mention the countless deer, squirrels, owls, foxes and more that call these forests home.

But once they’re cut down, these trees will take decades to grow back. This bill isn’t about protecting forests — it’s a giveaway for the logging industry.

Donate this Giving Tuesday to help save our oldest forests.

Americans everywhere understand the true value of our forests — the deep green shade on a hot summer day, the burrows and hollows that shelter small creatures, the crystal clear streams trickling over tree roots.

We’re working to alert, educate and organize nature lovers to raise their voices and drown out those who only see dollar signs when they look at our forests. And we need to make sure our decision-makers hear them, too.

When you donate on Giving Tuesday, you’re giving us resources we need to continue our campaigns to save our forests, protect the bees, tackle climate change and more.
