Week of action for 100% letter-writing template
Write your repesentative
When you reach out to your representatives, you hold them accountable. When seeing our leaders in person isn’t an option, writing your representative is one of the quickest and most effective methods of getting their attention. At both the state and federal levels, officials receive daily reports of both the most frequently mentioned topics and the distribution of constituent comments by zip code. So, let's flood their offices with letters calling for 100% renewable.
Environment America
Nine states have already made legislative commitments to go 100 percent clean or renewable, including Oregon and Illinois in 2021, and we should seize the opportunity to commit even more states to 100% in 2022. Use our template to write your rep today.
If your state has already made a commitment, share this toolkit with friends in other states so we can take this movement nationwide. To learn more about state progress toward 100 percent, check out the interactive map and our Renewables on the Rise 2021 report on our 100% Renewable campaign page.