
Tell the U.S. Forest Service to stop the Jellico logging project

Daniel Boone National Forest
Ben Childers/U.S. Forest Service - Southern Region | Public Domain

We oppose the 40-year Jellico logging project in the Daniel Boone National Forest. We need to preserve our oldest trees, not cut them down. Mature trees are critical in the fight against climate change and logging them would destroy this forest ecosystem.

Running through the forest is the Jellico Creek, where the endangered Cumberland darter and the threatened blackside dace swim. Logging and heavy equipment could dirty the stream and imperil these fish in one of the only places they live. The area is an important habitat for bats, warblers and many other critters. This project would damage their home.

This project is also dangerous — logging on top of the Jellico Mountains could lead to deadly landslides without tree roots to hold the soil in place. Don’t let this logging project move forward.


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