
Illegal Air Pollution in Texas, 2020

Illegal Air Pollution in Texas, 2020

A recession across the oil, gas, and petrochemical industries caused in part by the COVID19 pandemic led to a decline in production. This pandemic-driven slowdown in production caused a drop in unauthorized emissions in 2020, according to a report by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.  Preliminary 2021 industry emissions reports indicate that the pollution drop is likely to be short lived unless state and federal regulators ramp up environmental enforcement and eliminate pollution loopholes.


Trash in America

Recycling & compost

Trash in America

The United States produces too much waste. Natural resources are continually extracted to produce goods that are used in the U.S. — often only briefly — before they are thrown into landfills, incinerators or the natural environment. This system of consumption and disposal results in the waste of precious resources and in pollution that threatens our health, environment and the global climate. Because the costs of this system fall on society at large — not on the producers and consumers who drive it — there are few direct incentives for change.


Green Scissors

Clean energy

Green Scissors

Every year, the federal government spends billions of taxpayer dollars on wasteful and environmentally harmful programs that are polluting our air and water and driving the climate crisis. Green Scissors is the definitive guide to polluter welfare in the federal budget.


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