100% Renewable

California Assembly approves bill to speed up clean energy adoption

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California lawmakers clarified how the state intends to reach its goal of 100% clean energy by 2045 this week when they passed the Clean Energy, Jobs, and Affordability Act (SB 1020).

If enacted, the bill will require renewable energy and zero-carbon resources to supply 90% of the state’s electricity sales by 2035, and 95% of sales by 2040. State agencies would also be required to use 100% renewable energy and zero-carbon resources to serve their own facilities by 2035.

Gov. Newsom, who asked the legislature to establish the pathway to a clean energy future, is expected to sign the bill.

“With the governor’s signature, California will be on a quicker and brighter path toward our clean energy future,” said Environment California Clean Energy Advocate Steven King. 

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