California produces more solar energy than any state in the nation, but a new proposal threatens to slow that progress.
On Nov. 10, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) issued a “proposed decision” that, if finalized, would slash the rate at which new solar consumers can sell their electricity back to the grid, reducing a key incentive for adopting solar. This latest proposal comes after Environment California and our allies helped beat back an even more drastic proposal last year. Despite its drawbacks, the new proposal does offer some concessions, including eliminating the solar tax that the previous proposal would have implemented.
“At a time when California needs rooftop solar to flourish, it’s risky to cut a key incentive without having a viable alternative in place,” said Environment California State Director Laura Deehan. “While the revised proposal eliminates the solar tax, it will still make transitioning to solar power more expensive.”
The final vote on the proposal is scheduled for Dec. 15.