
Testimony: Baltimore City Pesticide Control and Regulation


Testimony: Baltimore City Pesticide Control and Regulation

Environment Maryland, along with our partners at Maryland PIRG, are proud to support comprehensive legisation to restrict the use of toxic pesticides in Baltimore City. Below is our testimony for today's remote hearing in the City Council's Health Committee.


Plastic Perspective: Plastic and Public Health

Beyond plastic

Plastic Perspective: Plastic and Public Health

In this second installation of Plastic Perspectives, our fellow Sacha Cameron will be exploring the health concerns that arise from plastic production and disposal through a conversation with Dr. Sacoby Wilson of the University of Maryland, College Park. An associate professor with the Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health (MIAEH) and Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Dr. Wilson is well-versed in plastics and the environmental justice issues associated with their overuse.


Plastic Perspective: A Series

Beyond plastic

Plastic Perspective: A Series

Concerns over plastic use and waste are more mainstream now than ever before.  The message is clear: plastic is not good for the environment. But did you know that the invention of plastic was once seen as a win for conservation? Read the first blog "Plastic Perspectives," our new 10-part series on plastic pollution.


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