
Electric School Buses and the Grid

Electric vehicles

Electric School Buses and the Grid

If every yellow school bus currently in operation across the United States were replaced with a vehicle-to-grid-capable electric bus of the same type, this would add over 60 gigawatt-hours (GWh) to the country’s capacity to store electricity. Read our new report to find out more.


Letter to Congress: Act on Climate

Letter to Congress: Act on Climate

More than 250 local and state government officials, health professionals, small business owners, academics and environmental groups from 34 states plus the District of Columbia sent a letter to Congress on Thursday, February 17, 2022 urging them to quickly pass legislation to address climate change. 


Progress Report: President Biden’s First Year

Global warming solutions

Progress Report: President Biden’s First Year

Following years of rollbacks, President Joe Biden began his term nearly a year ago amidst unprecedented environmental and public health challenges. Despite these obstacles, his administration has made significant strides toward restoring lost environmental protections and confronting daunting threats to our climate and public health, according to a new report by Environment America Research & Policy Center and U.S. PIRG Education Fund. 


Microplastics in Oregon

Clean water

Microplastics in Oregon

To better understand the scope of the microplastic problem in Oregon, Environment Oregon sampled 30 of Oregon’s most iconic rivers, lakes, and urban waterways. Here's our report with the findings.


Healthier Holiday

Clean air

Healthier Holiday

This guide describes the potential health risks of cooking with gas and provides tips on how to mitigate those risks and keep your family safe during the holidays. 


Trouble in the Air

Clean air

Trouble in the Air

More than one in six Americans, 58.4 million people, suffered through more than 100 days of elevated air pollution in 2020. Our report calls attention to the very real public health problems air pollution causes in both cities and rural areas across the country, such as asthma, heart issues, and premature death. It explains how global warming will make air pollution worse, and why tackling climate pollution has an impact on air quality. 


Trash in America

Recycling & compost

Trash in America

The United States produces too much waste. Natural resources are continually extracted to produce goods that are used in the U.S. — often only briefly — before they are thrown into landfills, incinerators or the natural environment. This system of consumption and disposal results in the waste of precious resources and in pollution that threatens our health, environment and the global climate. Because the costs of this system fall on society at large — not on the producers and consumers who drive it — there are few direct incentives for change.


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