Marcellus Shale Newswire 3/09/2012
Vol. 2, Issue 47
A Collection of Marcellus Shale and Gas Drilling Articles from Pennsylvania and Beyond
The Pennsylvania gas law fails to protect public health
By Associated Press
March 11, 2012
Gov. Tom Corbett recently signed a bill that goes beyond just ignoring concerns about the potential human health effects of Marcellus Shale drilling, it retains some of the worst aspects of industry secrecy about proprietary hydrofracking chemicals while making unethical demands on physicians.
The Wichita Eagle
As oil, gas ‘fracking’ gains popularity in Kansas, so does safety debate
By Dan Voorhis
March 05, 2012
In the documentary “Gasland,” a Colorado homeowner sets his tap water on fire and residents complain of mysterious health problems. They point the finger for the source of their troubles at the natural gas wells—drilled using the hydraulic fracturing, or fracking—that litter the scenic valley east of Grand Teton National Park.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Ohio: Youngstown quakes caused by dumping Marcellus waste
By Don Hopey
March 09, 2012
A recent cluster of a dozen earthquakes along a previously unknown fault line in eastern Ohio was caused by the disposal of Marcellus Shale drilling waste water in deep injection wells, according to a Ohio Department of Natural Resources investigation of the seismic events.
The Wall Street Journal
EPA heightens scrutiny over Pa. gas drilling
By Associated Press
March 05, 2012
DIMOCK, Pa. — Tugging on rubber gloves, a laboratory worker kneels before a gushing spigot behind Kim Grosso’s house and positions an empty bottle under the clear, cold stream. The process is repeated dozens of times as bottles are filled, marked and packed into coolers.
Fracking in New York: Risk vs. Reward
By Steve Kastenbaum
March 09, 2012
(CNN) — The battle over hydraulic fracturing in the state of New York pits farmers against environmentalists, neighbor vs. neighbor, as gas companies wait to find out if they’ll be able to unlock the natural gas trapped in the Marcellus Shale formation thousands of feet below the earth’s surface.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Water company plans to change disinfectant used in some systems
By David Templeton and Don Hopey
March 11, 2012
Pennsylvania American Water Co. will switch soon from chlorine to chloramine to disinfect water it sends through its 2,200 miles of water mains to 215,000 customers in Washington and southern Allegheny counties.
Cumberland Times-News
Fracking opponents want fees, warnings
By Matthew Bieniek
March 06, 2012
CUMBERLAND — Opponents of the use of hydraulic fracturing to drill for natural gas in the Marcellus shale of Western Maryland say they want fees to pay for further study of the process and its possible impact and also want those thinking of leasing their land for drilling to be warned of the possible dangers.
The Charleston Gazette
End in sight for Richwood-area gas well flare
By Rick Steelhammer
March 07, 2012
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The state Department of Environmental Protection has set May 31 as the deadline for extinguishing a flare that has been burning gases from three Nicholas County Marcellus Shale exploration wells for more than six months, despite state laws limiting natural gas flaring to 30 days per year.
Penn State Live
Marcellus Shale activity seemingly affecting county-level dairy production
By Chuck GIll
March 05, 2012
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Natural-gas development appears to be associated with falling dairy production in Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale region, but the exact reasons for the decline are unclear, according to researchers in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences.
The Tribune Democrat
Cambria takes steps toward Marcellus fee
By Sandra K Reabuck
March 08, 2012
EBENSBURG — The Cambria County commissioners on Thursday set in motion the legal steps necessary for the adoption of the Marcellus Shale drilling fee as now permitted by state law.