Jim Scheff, Kentucky Heartwood | Used by permission


Tell the Biden Administration: Protect our Oldest Trees

Tell the administration: project mature and old-growth trees and forests.

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Working together for clean air, clean water, clean energy, wildlife, open spaces and a livable climate.

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Save America’s Oldest Forests


Save America’s Oldest Forests

Our mature and old-growth forests are a natural treasure worth protecting but many of them are threatened by logging.


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What You Can Do
We need to reduce our carbon footprint, we need to make this as clean as possible! Daniel Pompile, ASPIRA, Director of Culinary and Environmental Education
Heat pumps, insolation, windows—there are a bunch of different ways you can save money and reduce your carbon footprint. Congressman Chris Deluzio, U.S. Representative PA-17
We installed solar as part of our faith commitment to protect the beauty and integrity of all creation. Reverend Noah Evans, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Mount Lebanon
It’s a dream for our family to have solar panels. Solar panels are a much cleaner, more efficient way of providing energy for our family. Jerry Rutledge, Mt. Lebanon, PA
The IRA or Inflation Reduction Act has been an incredible boon for the solar industry. Micah Gold-Markel, Founder, Solar States