Voices for clean energy
A shift to clean, renewable energy will give us healthier, more vibrant communities today, and a more livable future for our kids and grandkids. But it will take individuals, businesses, houses of worship, and others helping to make the switch to renewable energy for a cleaner, healthier world. Luckily, with the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, there has never been a better time to tap into a renewable energy future.
So, we’re highlighting a range of voices from across the country who are choosing clean energy and inviting them to tell their stories. We hope you’ll be inspired to join us!

Stories from our Pittsburgh Solar Tour

A transition to clean energy is crucial to protecting Pennsylvanians from the worst impacts of climate change

This can happen anywhere and it’s a big deal!

[We] see ourselves as caretakers and stewards of the earth

Not all energy sources are created equal

I look forward to getting my electric bill!

It’s impossible for us not to do something like this.

We’re very happy to be playing a part in getting clean energy into the grid

I’ve done a lot to make my home eco-friendly, and the federal clean energy tax credits totally helped.

Clean energy policy, climate action, environmental sustainability, environmental justice- all of these things are interconnected

All of our projects… are using a lot of IRA and federal incentives that make them extremely viable.

Over the course of eight years, I’ve installed 75 solar panels on our home … in the winter, my electric bill was $1.30!

We were able to apply the $4,000 tax credit right at the time of purchase, which made our EV very affordable.

I have a fourteen month old daughter and that is driving what I am doing when it comes to clean energy.